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Kyaikhtiyo  ( The Golden Rock )
Mergui Adventure ( 6 Days/ 5 Nights )
Yangon-Bagan-Popa ( 5Days/4Nights )
Yangon-Sittwe-Mrauk-U (5Days/4Nights)
Yangon (The Garden City )

In the past 300 years back, Yangon is only a small fishing village called Dagon. +more

Shwe Maw Daw Pagoda

It is believed to be built in BC 400. The height of this pagoda is 114 meters. +more

General Information about Myanmar

Name of the Country : The Union of Myanmar
The area : 680,000 kilometer (approximately)
Capital : Naypyidaw
Language : Myanmar, English
Climate : Summer (March ~ May) 30C°-35C
    Rainy Season (June ~ September) 25C-30C
    Winter Season (October ~ February) 20C-25C
Religion : 85% Buddhist (The rest are Christian, Islam, Hindu)
Currency : Kyat 1,5,10,20,100,200,500,1000
Voltage : 220~240V
S.T.D. Time : GMT+6.5 hrs. (Bangkok Time is 30 min. ahead of Myanmar, Beijing Std.Time is 90 min.   ahead of Myanmar.)
Communication : Country code (95). Almost every big town and city can access through E-mail and internet.

Myanmar is situated in the South–East Asia Peninsula sharing borders with China in the North–East. India and Bangladesh in the West and South –West , Laos and Thailand in the East and South–East. Thus Myanmar can do business with Asian Countries which have over two thousand millions of population .The major cities are Yangon ,Mandalay, Mawlamyaing, Taungyi and Pathein.

Myanmar attracts visitors from all over the world with its unique style of culture, life style and beautiful landscapes with natural forests, floral and fauna. Because of numerous glittering Pagodas every where , Myanmar is also renowned as the golden land or land of the golden pagodas.

Myanmar dated back to 2600years since the life time of Sidhatta Gautama the fourth Buddha, 623 years ahead of Jesus Christ ie BC 623. At that time Yangon was called Okkalapa city .In 1044 , king Anawrahta established the first Myanmar Empire (Bagan Dynasty).

Because of her rich natural resources. Myanmar was eyed by the colonials. In 1886, the British colonial occupied the whole of Myanmar and exploited all her richness. Myanmar got independence on 4th January 1948. Due to its rich resources, lush and green forests still covering 50% of the country and still having vast virgin land for agriculture, Myanmar is the best place for foreign investments.

Culture and Religion

Myanmar has a long historical background and unique style of culture. You can find excellent architectural works at the temples, stupas and monastries. Myanmar are simple and open hearted people, very friendly and hospitable. 85% of the population are Buddhist and their ways of life is very peaceful and pleasant. Their daily life starts from early morning with the sweet music of triangular gong and tolling bells after their offerings to Buddha and some sorts of donation..
Myanmar has its own calendar.Its New Year is in mid April.Every month of Myanmar has festivals according to the time or the religion .The most famous and enchanting festivals are ‘New year water throwing festival in April, Lightening festivals in October and ballooning festival in November .Myanmar dancing, music and puppet shows are unique.Also elephant dance, cow dance, goat dance,Lion dance, Peacock dance and traditional shan martial arts dance are enjoyable.


The North and North East of Myanmar are mountainous regions and have cooler climate. In central area, it is dry and hot as it is close to longitude line. To the South, it is close to the sea and has monsoon weather enjoying heavy rain showers.


Myanmar is situated between the two giant nations,China and India.It has the best soil for agriculture and it is one of the largest rice exporting countries and second largest beans and pulses exporting country. It also has the best teak wood forests in the world. There are also many rubber plantations , natural resources such as minerals, inland and off-shore oil and gas fields. Among the minerals found in Myanmar, Ruby and Jade are the best in the world.Other minerals such as emerald, sapphire, crystals, silver, gold, copper, lead, antimony, zinc, uranium etc are also found in Myanmar.Every gems Merchant all around the world comes and purchases at the Gems Auctions and Gems emporiums held three or four times a year.Thus Myanmar earns foreign currency through natural resources.There are many rivers, creeks and lakes and also a very long sea-coast in Myanmar (ie. about 2823km ) .So we can also export pearls, fish, prawns and various sea-products. Foreign investment in pearls, fishery ,prawn and sea products are booming in Myanmar.

Races & Dresses

Myanmar has 8 major tribes and 136 ethnic groups. So it is named as ‘races melting pot’. The major tribes are Kachin, Kayah, Kayin, Chin, Mon, Bamar, Yakhaing and Shan. Bamar is the largest group altogether 60% of the population. Each group has its own culture and dialect. Almost all the tribes are Buddhist and they live in peace and harmony. As most part of Myanmar has warm and hot climate people wear thin clothes. Men wear ‘Longyi’ and ladies wear ‘tamein’. Each tribe has its own tribal dress and wear it occasionally on ceremony and festivals.


  B-801, Dagon Center 1, Bagarya Road, Myaynigone, Sanchaung Tsp, Yangon, Myanmar.
Tel: 95-1 503815,516932, 516964, 516985, Fax: 95-1 503815
Email: fll.outbound@gmail.com , fll.reservation@gmail.com

Skype: fullylight8 , aat171 , royal.april 1  , Viber: 09 – 4210 13085 ,
Facebook: Fully Light Travels & Tours Co.Ltd. ,  QQ: 844 769380 ,

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